
Working with Partners to deliver Quality Support
Who they are?
Our support is never delivered in isolation, and we work closely with partners such as:
Since our establishment in 2007, we have provided supported living services in partnership with authorities in Northumberland, North Tyneside, South Tyneside, Gateshead and Durham.
Each year, more than 120 people with learning disabilities and/or mental health needs have been referred through these partners and supported to achieve positive outcomes and participate more independently in the community.

Housing Associations
As a provider of supported living, we have partnered with six housing associations across the North East who support us to place people in safe, comfortable homes within local communities.

Health and Social Care Professionals
So we can better support you with your health needs, we will work closely with all professionals involved in your support such as social workers, GPs, occupational therapists, dentists and speech and language therapists. By working with them, you and your loved ones can be assured all your needs are being met in compliance with professional advice.
Voluntary Organisations
We support each individual to live life to the fullest and engage with a range of community partners when supporting people to access the community, attend sports/exercise groups, participate in local theatre or learn a new skill. This is entirely dependent on the individual.
Advocacy Services
If required, you will be supported to access an independent advocacy service to ensure that your views and concerns are being heard, You are able to assess all options available, make informed decisions and understand what support is in place.